is reporting that the Copyright Royalty Board judges have approved a 2.6% cost of living adjustment in the SESAC and Global Music Rights rates paid by noncommercial stations not affiliated with NPR. The increase is based on Consumer Price Index data. The increase is smaller than the 3.2% hike approved a year ago.
A notice in the Federal Register says noncommercial stations will need to pay an adjusted rate of $199 per station to SESAC and Global Music Rights. That is an increase of five dollars per station from the current $194 rate. The noncommercial rate is only applicable to stations that are tied to a college or educational institution that is not affiliated with National Public Radio. Those are covered by a separate agreement.
The article goes on to state that the Copyright Royalty Board is expected to release its updated streaming royalty rates for other music services in the next few days. It is likely those costs will also rise by 2.6% in the coming year.
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